ARSA (Akita Rescue Society of America, Inc)
was founded in 1976 by a small group of Akita fanciers who
recognized the need to assist abandoned Akitas. The breed has grown
and with it, the need for rescue has increased. Individuals and
groups throughout the country have become involved in rescue work.
The constant need for money to fund the work has become a
responsibility of the Akita Club of America’s Rescue Committee and
is supported by the club’s membership.
With the release of the Richard
Gere movie,
"Hachiko," too
many people may assume all Akitas are of the same temperament.
The truth is that Akitas often are that loyal (See
Kuma), but they are not a breed for all families and many of
them are not good with children. Please, learn more about the
breed before you purchase an Akita and then, please,
find a reputable
breeder. Please avoid buying an Akita in a pet store (read
"New Beginnings").
Akitas are lucky to have so many people looking after their welfare
but ARSA has always believed educating the public can prevent much
of the terrible suffering endured by purebred dogs, including
Akitas. This website exists to provide information about health,
behavior and finding a reputable breeder. Before you decide that an
Akita is the breed for you, read the
“Facts About Akitas.”
I have worked with Akitas for over 28 years. I will always love
these dogs and wish all of them safe, permanent, happy homes. I
encourage you to educate yourself well before you make a commitment
to one of these magnificent dogs. Join the many Akita lists, the
local Akita clubs, and the Akita Club of America. Get to know the
people who know the breed.
Find a reputable
Barbara Bouyet
Humane Dog Shelter
